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Student Success Coaching Worksheets

Tool for your Team

Bundle: Student Success Coaching Worksheets & Activities Pack for $120

Download 40 worksheets and activities that can be used by your college's academic advisors & success coaches. These proven tools are designed to work with students on self-awareness, self-efficacy, goal setting, personal and academic success, and to start meaningful discussions with students that increase retention and student success.


Purchase and receive an instant PDF download.


"Using worksheets in advising not only helps in organizing thoughts but also in setting clear, achievable goals. They act as a roadmap for students, helping them to see the bigger picture and understand the path they need to take." - Marsha Miller, NACADA Executive Office

Sample Coaching Worksheet

Sample Worksheet

Here is an example of one of the 40 worksheets in the student success coaching bundle. This worksheet allows the student to quickly rate their confidence level in their current major, career goal, job search readiness, class schedule, and institutional fit.


The student's answers to these prompts will open the door for meaningful conversations between the college employee and the student. A simple worksheet has the power to unlock self-disclosures that could lead to life-changing conversations. 


These worksheets are designed to work with students on self-awareness, self-efficacy, goal setting, personal and academic success, and more. Each worksheet has been designed and tested by student success professionals, and curated into one convenient bundle. The worksheet bundle is also included free in this course, and this course.



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DC Education Group is committed to advancing student success, one institution and one educator at a time, with academic advisor training, success coach certifications, faculty advising training, student affairs leadership training, consulting in college student services, and more. 



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